sapa tau apa itu carrot cake..??? bukan kek yg lemak berkrim atau yg gebus gebas bak span yer....
and sapa kat sini penah makan fried carrot cake..??? sila angkat lappy..ngeh3!!
carrot cake @ bahasa cinanya Chai Tao Kway ialah ......
It is also known as "fried carrot cake" or simply "carrot cake" in Southeast Asian countries, as the word for daikon (POJ: chhài-thâu), one of its main ingredients, can also refer to a carrot (POJ: âng-chhài-thâu, literally "red radish"). There is no connection between this dish and the sweet Western carrot cake eaten as a dessert. This misnomer gave the title to a popular guidebook on Singapore's street food, There's No Carrot in Carrot Cake, which was published by Epigram Books in 2010. ~ sumber wikipedia
dieya kata kat KL ada jual yg HALAL... tp kat melaka ni rasanya x penah jumpa lagi blh la lepas ni saya jual/buka gerai heheheee
setelah sekian lama nak merasa Fried carrot cake ni akhirnya dapat juga saya mencari resepinya, penah juga gugel resepi carrot cake sblm ni tp yg keluar resepi carrot cake yg lemak berkrim tu...huhuu...
setiap kali pi pasar malam kat taman ni baunya mmg semerbak sungguh..serta merta perut jd lapor.. baunya telur yg di goreng bersama rempah2nya tu mmg menyucuk kat lobang hidung yg x brp nak mancung nih...heheheee..klu kat Jonker Walk lagi ler...mmg ramai auntie/uncle menjual chai tao kway nih...
terima kasih pada dieya sbb beritahu saya nama fried carrot cake dalam bahasa cina..byk rupanya resepi yg ada...bila ditenung,di telek dan dibaca methodnya lbh kurang je mcm kita grg mee or kuew tiau yg membezakannya ada campuran lobak masin dalam rempah yg ditumis & dah tentu the hero is 'carrot cake' yg lain mmg sama jerk...ada sesetengah resepi menggunakan bahan yg tidak kita skip je lah kan... x effect apa pun...still sedap!
kali ni saya copy resepi dari
Part 1 – Making the Radish Cake
1 medium radish (about 700g when grated) + 50ml water
200g rice flour
250ml water
1/4 tsp salt
200g rice flour
250ml water
1/4 tsp salt
1. Over a very low flame, steam grated radish + 50ml water in a thick
stainless steel pot (or non-stick pot). About 30 mins, or until radish
turns translucent. Remove cover and allow to cool.
2. Combine rice flour, salt and water. Mix well to combine.
3. Add rice flour solution to cooled grated radish. Stir and mix
before pouring into a metal cake tin for steaming. The final mixture
should resemble a somewhat watery coleslaw.
4. Steam on high for 40 mins. Leave it until completely cool (best
overnight in the refrigerator), so that the radish cake firms up. It
will be easier to handle too, as it will not stick to the knife when
you’re cutting.
~ saya guna 1 1/2 batang lobak putih untuk mendapatkan 700gm lobak putih yg siap di sagat,saya guna sagat spt gambar di atas.. ~
~ rupa lobak putih yg dah siap di sagat ~
~ selepas di sagat..masukkan dalam bekas yg bersesuaian, loyang pun blh tp seeloknya yg x melekat lah. tambah 50ml air & kukus 30 minit.. dah siap kukus rehatkan sampai btl2 sejuk ~
~ 200gm tepung beras di bancuh dgn 250ml air & secubit garam, kacau hingga sebati ~
~ saya lupa nak ambik gambar lobak yg dah siap di sagat td di campur dgn adunan tepung,rupanya seakan coselow, pastu dah sepati tuang dalam loyang yg dah dialas dgn plastik wrap & di sapukan myk sikit.. penggunaan plastik tu utk memudahkan kita keluarkan carrot cake yg dah siap di masak nnti.. kemudian tutup juga loyang dgn plastik wrap supaya air dari tutup pengukus x jatuh kat atasnya. kukus 45 minit dgn api sederhana. tp saya guna pengukus TRIO yg guna elektrik ~
~ begini lah rupanya bila dah siap di masak & di sejukkan ~
~ sebelum di goreng kita potong2 lah jd kiub mcm ni,lbh kurang mcm nasi impit juga ~
Part 2 – Frying the Radish Cake
Use half of the steamed radish cake above (enough for 1 or 2 persons)
1 to 2 tbsp chai poh (preserved radish/turnip)
2 to 3 eggs, lightly beaten
3 cloves minced garlic
About 2 tsp fish sauce* (or slightly more, if you like)
3 tbsp oil (vegetable oil or lard oil)
Dash of white pepper
Chilli sauce (optional, as much as you like)
About 1 tbsp Rose Brand Thick Sweet Sauce (omit this if you are frying the white version)
3 stalks chopped spring onion
Coriander leaves for garnishing
2 to 3 eggs, lightly beaten
3 cloves minced garlic
About 2 tsp fish sauce* (or slightly more, if you like)
3 tbsp oil (vegetable oil or lard oil)
Dash of white pepper
Chilli sauce (optional, as much as you like)
About 1 tbsp Rose Brand Thick Sweet Sauce (omit this if you are frying the white version)
3 stalks chopped spring onion
Coriander leaves for garnishing
(Teochew cuisine is one of the few which makes use of fish sauce due to Chaoshan’s coastal land.)
1. Cut up steamed radish cake into small chunks. Smaller chunks will
crisp better, and the result is a more delicious plate of Chai Tow Kway.
You want a contrast in texture – a crisp exterior and a soft interior.
And those really small, charred, crispy crumbs? Heaven.
2. In a non-stick skillet, heat oil and fry radish cake chunks till
lightly browned and slightly crisp. Heat should be medium high.
3. Add minced garlic and chai poh. Fry till aromatic. Drizzle a little more oil if it is too dry.
4. Add fish sauce, pepper (and lashings of chilli sauce, if you like it spicy). Fry to coat evenly with seasoning.
5. Pour beaten eggs all over radish cake. Allow the eggs to set
slightly before flipping over in sections. It’s OK if it starts breaking
up when you flip over; you don’t need to have a perfect whole. At this
stage, you can dish up and serve with spring onions if you are making
the white version.
6. Drizzle Rose Brand Thick Sweet Sauce and stir fry to mix well.
Dish up and sprinkle liberally with spring onions. Garnish with
coriander leaves.
~ sama x mcm yg uncle2 jual kat pasar malam ^___ * kat umah mmg ada kuali leper ni utk en.suami buat burger atau ikan bakar....konon2 ala mcm kat gerai2 pasar malam la..eceh!!~
~ alhamdulillah Chai Tao Kway air tangan suami tersayang...heheee makan panas2 mmg yummehhh!!! ~
kat channel 703 (astro ~ AFC ) saya penah tgk ada yg letak udang,fish cake... mcm2 variasi ada.. ada yg putih ada yg hitam but i like black...huhuuuu
lagi 2 hari nak berjalan jauh tp dua org hero saya batuk teruk & selsema... risau hati ni... mudah2an esok lusa semakin sihat hendaknya.