this is her lappy, screen pecah ;p

she's very excited give me MMS during fasting month.. as u know, mamamya is very good chef at home.. ;p very2 delicious food, i sempat try dia pny tomyam, with kerabu mangga, sedap sgt! she's follow the list that she already prepared before puase aritu.. mmg sedap2 sgt!!
i think, i can't be the real good mother n chef like her. hehe she's very nice sys act. (puji sikit) one day, she's gonna be my 'idola chef'. MAYBE hahaha sorry my english mmg terabur. ;p she's told me to tell everyone about her lappy last week BUT sorry sys, i'm busy woman. skrg baru sempat update. huhu
HERE, ni masakan mamamya yg sempat d MMS kan kpd saye ;p

ni kari bawal from mamamya ;p

ni nasi goreng 1st sahur, terpedas sgt coz her lovely husband yg tlg masak, huhu
thats all TQ ;p